
All posts in the Kids category

My Intolerance of people

Published August 11, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


If you have a general intolerance of society or people or you know someone who has this problem, please read this blog to find out more about it, straight from someone who has the problem.

Over the years I’ve lost a lot of people that meant everything to me. People who died and it took a toll on me. I started growing an intolerance to people as I started losing people. The people who meant everything to me, were the people that I could look up to in order to have a good goal in mind of what I wanted to be like. Not that I need to copy someone else but, when you have positive people in your life, you tend to want to be somewhat like them. When those people started dying off, I felt like I didn’t have anyone that I could model their behavior and therefore, I gained an intolerance to people.

My views of people are many and usually negative. I have an intolerance to people who behave badly, scream in public, ignore their kids who are destroying stuff or screaming, fighting among couples, an annoying husband who yells at his wife to come on 20 times in 10 seconds, people who scream at strangers on the road or in cars, who don’t listen, who always do the opposite of what you say, those who play the victim all of the time, those who choose to be “clueless or stupid” when they really are just lazy and oh I could go on and on.

As I’m getting older and the people I cared most about have almost all died off, I find myself heading in a direction that I don’t necessarily like but, I’m also indifferent to what people think about me too. For the simple fact that I don’t do any of the things that I hate from others, I somehow expect people to just get it together and stop acting like complete assholes! I’m sorry for the language but, if I’m passionate enough to write about it then you know it really bothers me. 

I do not have an intolerance to the elderly, small children or the mentally/physically handicapped. They all have reasons for their behavior and it usually cannot be controlled and therefore, it would be unfair of me to be impatient with them. 

I often wonder why people act the way they do. Do they not realize what an obnoxious person they are being? Can they not control their behaviors and their respect for people around them? I almost always avoid society and being in public. When I do go out, I find myself more stressed out and annoyed even after completely minimizing my time out. When I get of public, I feel a sense of relief and for the same reason, I don’t drive. I cannot stand people on the road, they are inconsiderate and dangerous and so if I could avoid being on the road at all, I would! 

So this blog is based around my “at minimum” thoughts which basically means, these are my generalized thoughts and feelings and this blog isn’t a complete explanation of what I go through. However, I hope that it’s of some value to you and that you can somewhat understand my point of view. Thank you!! 

Luke, I don’t care

Published July 22, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

luke idc

The title may have you wondering. It actually comes from the Grumpy Cat meme who is dressed as Darth Vader and he says “Luke, I don’t care” instead of the “Luke, I am your father”. Now that, that’s out of the way, let’s get to the blog. 

I have become seriously annoyed with people. I’m not talking about my followers, I think you guys are fantastic. I’m just venting at this point about society and people in general. I look around and I see everything for exactly what it is. If shit is going down all around the world, I’ll be the first to point it out. Now, I know what you’re thinking and I’ll tell you how to stop thinking it – read my blog “I am a realist”. Moving on, I watch the world around me crumbling. I see poverty, bullying, alienation, abuse, hate, racism rants, death and wars. 

Meanwhile, 3rd world countries are being destroyed, the people are starving, they are being killed and kidnapped and many countries women still have no rights. All of this happening while we as American’s are complaining about immigration, flags, weight, race, kids being “brats” and religion. There’s entirely too much ignorance going on in this country and I’m burned out! So I always get the “Well, why don’t you find a new country to call home” and my response is “Why don’t you just get your shit together, so that we can all live happy”. Why does anyone have to move? Why can’t people just be a productive member of society and stop being whiny, obnoxious brats? 

America will be destroyed

What have we as a country become? I’ll tell you. We have become a self-righteous, overbearing, uncaring, bitter society who will be our own demise. Stop bitching about immigrants, they were here hundreds of years before “Christopher Columbus discovered America” The truth is the Native American’s and the Mexican’s lived, worked and built the United States so stop being so self-righteous! Stop telling people to speak English. English was brought from Europe with the white’s who invaded the U.S. and kicked the real citizens out!

Stop fighting over flags and calling everything racist. The Confederate Flag has been around for a very long time and no one started complaining until now. The American flag was flown and used under slavery for 10 times longer than the Confederate flag. Those who fought in the Civil War deserve to have their graves undisturbed and that includes their flags atop their headstones and that includes the 100,000 plus black soldiers. This deal of “Everything is racist” is not only ignorant but, it’s also obnoxious. Black people don’t rule the world, White people don’t rule the world. Let it GO! Your slavery bit has reached the end. 

Stop fighting over whether kids aren’t being controlled by their parents. You don’t know them and you don’t know their situation. 

Stop fighting people who believe in God. Leave them alone, let them be and don’t worry about what they believe! If you don’t want your kids knowing about God and are worried they might be exposed to it in school, keep them at home! No one is bothering your rights, no one cares that you’re obsessed with “In God We Trust” being on our money, if you hate it don’t look at it! Stop bothering people, it’s insanity! 

I just can’t understand this. I look all around and I see all of these stupid arguments and battles over nothing! It doesn’t affect you and at some point this has to stop! The only reason I’m even writing this blog is because it’s not only affecting my life, it’s affecting my mental health. Constant migraines and stress from reading and hearing all of this non sense, listening to people in public and hearing my obnoxious neighbors. I know I’m not the only one who sick of hearing all of this bullshit going on every single day. At some point, we as a society have to stop coping out and take full responsibility for us and us only! I mean that as YOU and YOUR KIDS and that’s it! 


Abusive Dad in the U.K.

Published July 19, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I was watching a documentary today called “You’re not splitting up my family”. I’m shocked by how the twin boys were being treated by their father and grandma. Their mother passed away and were being raised by their father who’s an alcoholic and who’s abusive. He kept calling the boys a bastard and telling the social workers that he was going to kill them. 

The boys were constantly in trouble at just 12 years old. They were having a lot of trouble with their mom’s death, their grandma hated them and wanted nothing to do with them. It seems that she caused a lot of the anger that the twin’s father had as she was an abusive grandma. 

Social services continued to stay in their lives and see them for a little more than 12 weeks before removing them from their home with the father. They were both placed with an Aunt and Uncle. The father didn’t have any interest in being back in their lives. He would often say in front of them that he hated them and wanted nothing to do with them. The grandma said the same. I can’t imagine a life like that but, I’m not surprised by their behavior. To see how it was affecting the boys to know they weren’t wanted by anyone except their Aunt and Uncle. It’s just horrible. 

When the boys were 22, they were caught back up with the camera crew who asked them what their lives had been like from age 12-22. The boys had been in quite a bit of trouble, in and out in jail. The camera lady then went to see the grandma who said she wanted nothing to do with the boys still. That she was now blind and didn’t want them stealing from her. She’s happy that they were taken away. Then they met up with the father who’s still drinking heavily and wants nothing to do with the boys either. He claims that he wants them to get their life straightened out yet, he doesn’t have his life straightened out. The one son now has a son and he wants to be a good father to his son. The other one is constantly in and out of jail, homeless and on drugs. 

This is just a basic summary of the documentary but, the reason I wrote this blog is because I was so shocked at how parents hate their children, how having no one affects a child and how the father and grandma in this situation are to blame for the boys behavior. What would you do if you were in this situation? If you have been in this situation, please tell me what it was like. 

Here’s the link to the documentary:

Outlawed Christian’s.

Published June 21, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I want to talk to everyone concerning Christian’s vs Atheists due to a high amount of harassment and threats towards Christian’s. I think this is important because, I too am a victim of this. 


I’m a Christian and I love God very much but, like many Christians, I’m being harassed and threatened on a daily basis for my beliefs. Let me explain. You see, every time I get on websites such as Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo Answers and so forth, as soon as someone finds out I’m a Christian I always get attacked. There are several statements that are always made by Atheists.

  1. “Screw you and your fake God”

  2. “You’re a faggot believing in that flying man in the sky”

  3. “You’re a dumb b****”

  4. “Your God is sadistic for allowing people to die and kids to go hungry”

  5. “Go f*** yourself and f*** your God”

Now those are just a few of the things I hear often and as you can see, they are very much inappropriate. All of that just for believing in God and I don’t understand it because, in the first place I’m not hurting anyone. My lifestyle doesn’t affect anyone else as I’m not pushing God onto them. I don’t go around quoting scripture or telling people they are going to hell so what’s the big deal?

There’s several reasons these people give for hating Christian’s and so many of them have nothing to do with me. For instance, any story of a “Christian” that has been involved in some sort of scandal including sexual assaults, that’s when the God bashers eyes light up and they go on full attack mode. Then, they often use God as if he’s the reason behind it. You also have people committing illegal acts in the name of God and therefore, God must be the reason behind it. What Atheists fail to understand is that those people have underlying mental issues and just because they hear a voice that says it’s God, doesn’t mean that it is and always isn’t God and therefore, just because someone says something like that for the reason they committed something heinous, doesn’t have anything to do with being a Christian.

The other side of this is people wanting to make arguments for Science, Darwinism and other views pertaining to the world. For instance, Richard Dawkins had one of his many rant events and he looked up and said “God if you’re real, you’re welcome to come down and join us and show yourself” and then everyone burst into laughter. They believe it’s incredibly funny to say ridiculous things. Nevermind that, it’s their problem and not mine. The point is, if you’re going to be an ass, be one in the mirror and not towards innocent people. I can’t prove to you that there’s a God as my experience with God, is greatly different than someone else’s. I have my own personal reasons for it and it has nothing to do with coercion, preachers, church or anyone else.

Regardless of your thoughts on God or the lack thereof, you do not have the right to make someone else’s life miserable. The people out there who are Atheists or claiming to be one are obsessed with seeking out Christian’s and running them into the ground. They laugh, mock, threaten and carry on as if they are some billy badass. You’re not, you’re just an ass. The world is incredibly messed up at this point. We as a society especially the God believers are expected to give up all of our rights. We’ve had our bible classes, bible and any other religious material stripped away from our children in schools and have replaced it with homosexual materials which we are forced to “accept”. Recently, there was a story going around the internet about a school that was reading a story to elementary student’s about Gay Marriage. So, we’re sending our kids to school to learn about gays and “equal rights” and not anything educational. More and more small children are having sex, being taught they are transgender and gay/lesbian/bi. I’m sorry but, no child should be coerced or forced into being an adult in a child’s body. I do not believe that any elementary child should be involved in any adult issues including sex of any kind or learning about sex of any kind that includes heterosexual sex. Children at that age shouldn’t be learning anything that’s not going to benefit them in the future.

I’m not expecting that children be against those who are adults and choose to be homosexual, I’m against children learning about all of the different things that homosexual and heterosexual couples do at a young age. I’m concerned that children are becoming pregnant at even the youngest ages of 11 years old. I’m concerned that Christian children aren’t allowed to quietly read their bible in school or wear a cross necklace because it makes people butthurt who are afraid of their Atheists children becoming Christian. That’s hate too, that’s what people don’t get. When you’re not accepting a child who believes in God and you’re teaching your children to bash those who believe in God, you’re creating bullies. I do not endorse any bullies and that includes children who are forced into a homosexual lifestyle, a Christian lifestyle or an Atheist lifestyle. We need to get ourselves worked out and stop infringing on the rights as children to just be children! If you want to bash me for that, go ahead! It has nothing to do with my believing in God, it’s about being human and being moral in all ways.

Thank you for reading my blog.

The Autistic Toddler Pt2

Published February 18, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I’m writing an update about my son who has Autism because, I recently read something that made me feel really bad. My son will be turning 2 years old next week and every since he was born, I have been receiving newsletters from about his development. You know, it’s a newsletter they send via email every month that tells you “Your child is now X months old” and it goes on to tell you what your baby should be doing by that point, milestone wise. I recently received a newsletter that said “Your toddler is now 23 months old” and inside the first sentence was “Your child should now be speaking at least 50 words”. I can tell you that it was a true wake up call and it made me feel really bad. I love my son more than anything in the world and I try to not define him by being Autistic but, it really hit home because, my son speaks 7 words and the rest is babble that cannot be understood. He’s learned 1 new word in 4 months.

I have been attacked by people stating that I’m a horrible parent and that I’m obviously not spending enough time with my son and I’m not reading to him or trying to teach him new words. Are you kidding me? I spend countless hours with him using flashcards, educational shows and even educational puzzles that show the picture and the word, letter and number associated with it. For some reason, it’s not registering and I’m doing the best I can so, I feel really bad when people call me out and say I’m neglecting him. I haven’t found very many resources that could help him or me. I don’t live in a populated city, we have less than 2,000 people here and there are no resources in this area. I do take him to an autism center an hour away and even they come to the house sometimes and work with him but, he still isn’t improving and they said he could stay stuck like this forever.

Does anyone else have autistic kids and what did you do? I would like to hear your stories if you could please comment, I need resources!

The Struggle of Leaving Home

Published February 9, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


I wanted to write about people who leave home, whether you’re 35 or 16, there is a struggle about leaving home. The difference between a 16 year old leaving home and a 35 year old leaving home is that you feel differently.

There’s a real struggle concerning leaving home because, you wonder whether or not you’re making the right decision and how hard things will be when you do leave home. I know that for most people, they are excited when they’re at a point where they can move out and are looking forward to making their own decisions but, that will change as time goes along and you’ll begin to look back starting from childhood into adulthood wondering how it went so fast. As you start having kids of your own, you’ll almost wish that you could do those things again like going to the fair and getting on the kiddy rides or going on vacations with your parents. Yes, you can do those things with your own kids but, it’s different.

I believe that when you’re really young, you’re so focused on getting out and living by your own decisions and rules, that you don’t think about how it will change your life. If you have lived with your parents much longer than most, you tend to have trouble leaving home because, all of that rush to get out has passed and you’re much more mature. A lot of people have an attachment to their parents regardless of age. However, there are those who had horrible childhoods and never want to see their parents again.

Ok, so you’re out on your own, along with your following your own rules, the bills start coming in. For those who are married or in a relationship where the person lives with you, you’re now stuck trying to figure out not only how to run a household but, you have to also pay bills that will not stop coming in and then when you add children into the mix, it gets even more complicated and before you know it, home isn’t looking so bad. I personally don’t miss home but, I do miss being a kid in one way and in another way, I feel good that I can pay my own bills and I don’t have someone controlling everything I do nor do I have someone holding over my head that they pay the bills.

As our parents age, we begin to worry about them and how to best care for them. That’s when things get really complicated and on top of your already stressful life, you know are in the circle of life and having to take care of your parents when they can no longer do so. It’s a never ending cycle but one thing is for sure, we’ll always miss home in one way or another.

The Bashing of the Duggar Family

Published December 18, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

Lately all we see is news of the Duggar family on Facebook. Someone who has no life has decided to watch the Duggar kid’s twitter page 24/7 to report everything they do. On top of that, there are many people who absolutely despise the Duggar’s. They have no problem voicing their opinion and calling them names like “Ignorant, Irresponsible, Rabbits, Litter”.

I have a personal opinion concerning the Duggar Family. I believe that they are sincere in their beliefs, they are a loving family with good morals and values, they are definitely frugal on how to raise kids on a tight budget and their children are well mannered and very talented. I would always rather see those kinds of kids being brought up in this world, than to see more kids that are in jail, shooting up schools, bullying other kids and playing stupid games like the knockout game. I would also rather have the world populated with Duggar’s than to see trash like Miley Cyrus and The Kardashians who can only show off their bodies and be whores.

People bash the Duggar’s primarily for how many kids they have and I always ask the same question “Why do you care? They are not on welfare and you’re not paying for them”. Now the bashing is because the LGBT failed to get their show cancelled. Of course they failed! If a group doesn’t like a show, don’t watch it! You don’t intentionally watch something, stalk their pages and then have a petition made so you can have them removed. It’s a battle that was never going to be won. Then I have heard ridiculous things from commenters like “One of their kids has to be gay, you can’t have that many kids and they not turn out gay”. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! People are not born gay regardless of what you think and there have been many people who used to have 12, 15 or more kids and none of them turned out gay. Just because they have 19 kids and just because there are “studies” out there doesn’t mean any of the children will be gay.

Then there’s the comments about how many children their children will have. So what? Again, I would rather there be a whole clan of well mannered, respectful, ambitious kids in the world than the kids that are out there today. The Duggar’s are slowly changing the way the world is right now and if all parents would follow their lead, there wouldn’t be people in prison and kids committing suicide. I mean come on, when I was growing up there was no such thing as kids killing their self and no offense to anyone who’s had a child that did that but, something is wrong here if this is what’s happening to today’s kids.

I’m sure that many of you will have comments for this blog, feel free to leave your comments without insulting me. Insults will be deleted.

Out with the old, In with the new

Published December 18, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

I have been thinking back about all of the people I used to be friends with and why I was friends with them. As time passes by most people end friendships and start new one’s. That’s the cycle of life for almost everyone. Sure there are a few friends that you keep throughout your lifetime or at least for many years. Most people though, are here for a season and that’s it. What do we learn from those people? Well a lot of times we learn the warning signs of what a bad friend is and how to avoid getting one in the future. Sometimes we learn how to dig deep inside and find those emotions that were once there but became lost.

I had a few friends that I thought were going to be friends for life. It turns out, they weren’t real friends at all as some betrayed me and others just moved on and lost interest. Those that betrayed me did so behind my back and i didn’t find out until much later. I have other friends that I’ve had for a long time who I still talk to but live far away from. It’s not really a bad thing because I’m learning about friends even now and it helps me to form new friendships and dump old friendships that have lost their character.

I think at some point all of us wonder why we were friends with someone that we cared about or hung out with. As we mature, things change and we begin to realize that those people no longer fit our lifestyle. For instance, people who you just hang with or party with, won’t be friends for life because as you mature and lose interest in those things, you lose interest in the people who weren’t really friends, they were just someone fun to be around. Then there are those who end up getting married and having children and are focused on their new family life and less interested in their social life.

The one or two great friends that you keep can be very understanding of your new life as they probably have the same one. They understand that you can’t always talk on the phone, text or hang out because they have kids too. Still, when you’re able to talk to that friend you realize that nothing has changed between you and it’s actually refreshing to talk to another adult for a change, besides your spouse. Everyone needs someone other than their spouse to talk to, otherwise things can get pretty frustrating.

i don’t think that people should ever be friends with their ex’s regardless of how the relationship ended. i think that it’s crossing boundaries because they will always know your business and always be comparing the life you had with them, with the life you have with your new spouse. They will always be stalking your Facebook page or making snide remarks. It’s just a bad mix all together.

Feel free to comment on my blog and tell me your experiences.

Child Neglect/Abuse

Published October 18, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

stop child abuse

The one subject that can put people of all ages into a frenzy but, it’s become a serious problem in the United States. Anyone who has Facebook or reads the news, is aware of too many stories of people abusing or neglecting their kids.

Most recently, there have been many stories about parents who leave their kids in hot cars while they do whatever it is they like. This has caused so many heated arguments and as I was reading through these comments, I realized that many people were outraged that a parent would do this and there were a few people who were on the fence about it. All in all, many people could not understand why these parents were doing this and why they had custody of their kids to begin with. I personally feel that no child should be left in a car whether it’s hot, cold or perfect weather. It’s not much to do with the weather but rather, it’s a fast way to get the attention of someone who may want to kidnap your kids or drive off with your car. Then you have the child getting out of the car seat and pulling the car out of gear or leaving the vehicle and becoming lost. It’s simply irresponsible to leave your child alone whether in the car, at the store or at home.

Then there are the other parents who intentionally abandon their kids because they don’t want them or they are trying to hide them because, mommy has a new man and he doesn’t want kids.

Finally, you have children who are being abused and sometimes to the point of death. I have read many news stories and seen many documentaries where children were being locked in a room or a cold basement. Where those children were either being raped, beaten or starved. These types of things happen all the time and most of those kids will never receive help.

I think that if people are annoyed with their kids or simply don’t want them and they have already given birth, no matter the age they should give them over to the Department of Social Services and sign over their rights. This way, the child doesn’t have to suffer and the parents don’t have to suffer.

Give me your opinions on this please!

The Autistic Toddler

Published October 15, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

When my now 19 month old son was 17 months, I started noticing signs that seemed off about him. I knew the typical toddler behaviors but my son, was different. I had already known the signs of autism from all of my medical research/background. Yes, he was very different. During the day he seems really focused on tapping things a certain number of times, holding his ears at the slightest noise and getting extremely emotional over seemingly nothing. He also had other odd things such as being focused on only saying a few words, doing the same thing every day and cowering at the thought of talking to people he doesn’t know or being around children.

Having an Autistic child is very difficult and having an Autistic Toddler is extremely exhausting. I can easily say that I was not prepared for this but, I’m doing the best I know how. Thank God for support groups. So anyway, my son is so focused on the few things he’s obsessed with that he doesn’t like anything to change or go wrong in his routine and therefore, we basically work around his schedule.

For example: My son likes to play with the pup’s we have, go outside and play with his rocks and grass (When I say his, I mean that he has chosen pebbles that go every where with him), go to the store, play with all of the playground balls that he has and tap on things.

That may seem like a lot but, with him it’s so limited and he’s so focused on everything that he does, he’s not interested in anything else. Sometimes he even wakes up in the middle of the night to perform his “rituals”. It’s very stressful because well, my husband and I don’t get much sleep and it’s hard for us to change his schedule at all. Now, some people have actually said to me “He’s a kid, you’re the boss, just make him do what you want”. It’s not that way with an Autistic Toddler, it simply doesn’t work because, unlike temper tantrums that most toddler’s have, our son actually has full on mental breakdowns that make it impossible for him to function.

He is also extremely attached to three items of his, a stuffed caterpillar, a blanket with whales on it and his pebble rocks. Those items have to go along with us any where we go.

I think that Autism is very much misunderstood by those who don’t know anyone that has it and everything is difficult with an Autistic child. For instance, even simple tasks such as bathing, changing his pull up, changing clothes, putting him to bed, talking loud (even if we’re not speaking to him), public environments, being around other kids etc. it becomes very intense and very stressful to just do simple things that some people take for granted.

To know that our son may never fully develop and that he may need help the rest of his life is almost devastating. Will he be able to have a family? Will he be able to ever have a career or go to college? We don’t know the answer to that yet and we won’t even be able to guess that until he’s much older. For anyone who has an autistic child, I’m sure you can relate to these things. Whether or not you have an autistic child, please comment on this blog and tell me your thoughts.