
All posts in the Druggies category

Drugged Out Losers

Published August 4, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I feel like I have to post this because, I’m incredibly annoyed at stupid, drugged out, idiots running around in society. Here’s the thing, I’m not talking about people who were on drugs and are now getting better and recovering from them. There are a lot of good people in this world who used to be on drugs and aren’t anymore and I’m not talking about people who smoke pot. 

There are a lot of people out there who are on speed, meth, cocaine, heroin, spice and other heavy drugs (not talking about pot). Those same people just get worse when they are on it. Not only do you have issues with people doing whatever to feed their drug habit but, there’s also the one’s who become violent or obnoxious and some who commit crazy crimes while on these drugs or as a result of needing them. 

For instance, there’s a guy who lives in my neighborhood behind my house and I already wrote a blog on it, refer to the blog about the bad neighborhood. The guy is on speed and meth, he’s extremely obnoxious and violent. The guy is constantly in a screaming match with someone whether it be his druggie girlfriend or the neighbors nearby. He’s constantly screaming, cussing and making threats. I don’t deal with him and I don’t interact with him or any of my other neighbors. I don’t want to be involved with druggies. Otherwise, the next time he would be at my house trying to cause trouble, in which case he would be dead because, I’m not going to put up with the s***! 

Then there’s people you see on the street. You know you’re at a stop light and suddenly you see some drugged out, mental case in the cross walk or sitting at a bus stop screaming, talking to themselves, cussing and whatever else nonsense they do. If they aren’t there, they are bugging the hell out of you for money or cigarettes at a gas station or store. You know what they want it for. Some of them act like you owe them something. For instance, there’s this time where I was at a gas station and this hateful ass black girl came up to the car and was basically demanding change and I said no and she got all pissed off and started ranting at me calling me a rich, white girl and a useless bitch and all of this other stuff and I got pissed off and I said really loud where other people could hear me “Now you’re really not getting a damn thing”. She went to go ask someone else and they said “Hell no, after the way you talked to her (me), you’re not getting shit from me”. I did it on purpose, I wanted other people to not feel sorry for her and to show how she was acting. 

I honestly cannot deal with people who are heavy drinkers, drugged out or straight up mental. It really works my nerves and makes me more agitated. Too much exposure can make a sane person go insane. I’ve had way more than I want of it. When I bought my house, I didn’t do a lot of research about the neighborhood and I should have. It was a really long drive from where we were living and our car at the time was really struggling with even short trips. We bought it based on an inspection report, what the realtor (who’s a family friend) said and pictures. We found out shortly after moving in (within a few days) that there was a lot of trouble. The neighbors who live near us have a prostitution ring running in there and sell drugs out of their house. They have a lot of foot traffic coming in and out. We have a privacy fence that covers our entire back yard and we’re considering getting one for the front yard too even though we don’t hang out there. My child is only allowed to play in the back yard due to all of the bullshit that goes on out front. 

I know this was kind of a rant blog but seriously, drugs are the worst thing that could have happened to this country and it’s people. Rehab should be free to all who want to enter and people who are witnessed on the streets drugged out, should be forced into rehab and mental health facilities. 
