
All posts in the Jesus category

Holiday Nightmare

Published December 20, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

So as many of you know, I often rant about my mother in law and I fully intend to rant again because I’m completely 100% fed up! Here’s what happened: The past few days my mother in law has been driving me insane and as you all know she’s constantly knit-picking about me, my husband and what we do with our lives. I’ve had enough and I finally decided it would be a good time to take her home. She tells me Thursday night that she wants me to take her 2 hours away to her house because she wants to go to a JW assembly. Great! This is my chance to get her out of my house for a while. So, we wake up on Friday morning and go to take her and she wants to do a bunch of other things first. When we get close to her house she springs it on me “I just want to pick up my mail and then I want you to take me to my son’s house” which is my brother in law and is an hour from her house. OMG I’m already tired. So, we take her over there and the first thing she does when she walks in is start ranting about my brother in law’s Christmas tree and Christmas wreath. We stay for a very short while and tell him it’s his problem now and we left.

She has been riding us for weeks to get her out of the house before we celebrate “Satan’s holiday”. Which excuse me but, I thought people referred to Halloween as Satan’s holiday. Anyway, we knew that we had to get her out of here because I’m not ruining my son’s Christmas because she can’t control herself. Backing up a little, when we were almost at her house yesterday, she started talking about the JW’s and the bible. Well that’s always a hot topic and it starts fights. I try to avoid it but she likes to push it, so fine. The first thing that’s brought up is there not being a hell and she believes that the hell is actually the grave and that you feel nothing and see nothing. When I brought up the story of the rich man who was in torment (after his death) and called out to Abraham for a drop of water to be put on his tongue, she got quiet. It proves that the soul is not the body, that people do go to hell and that he was able to see, hear and know what was going on.

Then she brought up the 144,000 and I told her that no one of the 144,000 is still living today because of words used such as “were, saw, named” in the verse that says And 144,000 WERE sealed and they WERE the 12 tribes of Israel. (it already happened). So she got steaming mad at this point.

Then she brought up Jesus “not” dying on a cross. I said that’s not true either, Jesus did die on a cross because in the bible it clearly states that above Jesus’s head was a sign that read This is Jesus, The King of Jews. I said to her “If Jesus had his hands above his head, why does the bible say he has a sign above his head? Wouldn’t it then be that Jesus actually had his hands above the sign? She got mad at that too because she knew she was wrong.

I also explained to her that a man by the name of Johannes Greber translated multiple watchtowers and several books. That Johannes Greber and his wife were both spirit mediums and he stated that he got the information for their translations from demons. Then we went into the subject that several of the Jehovah’s Witness founders/leaders lied claiming that they knew Greek and Hebrew and in fact they did not know and admitted in court that they lied. They have never had any basis for their translations.

Then she wanted to drag up baptism, fine! Let’s bring it up! In the bible (yes even the NWT) it clearly states that you MUST be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. However, they completely ignore that and say that you must be baptized in the organization.

The intentional twisting of scripture, the false prophecies (There were far too many to count but, in the bible it says that those who make prophecies in God’s name that do not come true are NOT of God), the use of Spirit Mediums as translators, The fact that Charles Russell (The founder) was an alcoholic, adulterer and psychotic and the intentional leaving out of scriptures is the reason that I don’t have a use for talking about or dealing with her and her group of buddies. I also told her that I did not appreciate her leaving her watchtower magazines laying all over the place with violent pictures on the front cover of Christian’s being destroyed by God while the JW’s stood over them smiling. I just can’t have this going on in my house and I finally had enough and dumped her off on my brother in law. I’m sorry to all the JW’s out there who probably hate me right now but seriously, when you combine her mental illness with her “truth” which can be easily disputed, it gets to be too much particularly since I’m far too busy with my son who has Autism to be dealing with an adult who gets mad at the slightest breath.

FINAL STATEMENT: If you don’t know your religions history, you have already begun the process of having the wool pulled over your eyes. If the Jehovah’s Witnesses weren’t worried about their history, they wouldn’t command you to not go searching for information on the internet. For those of you who might be confused or curious or just simply stubborn, I posted plenty of resources for you to get proper information.