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The Bashing of the Duggar Family

Published December 18, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

Lately all we see is news of the Duggar family on Facebook. Someone who has no life has decided to watch the Duggar kid’s twitter page 24/7 to report everything they do. On top of that, there are many people who absolutely despise the Duggar’s. They have no problem voicing their opinion and calling them names like “Ignorant, Irresponsible, Rabbits, Litter”.

I have a personal opinion concerning the Duggar Family. I believe that they are sincere in their beliefs, they are a loving family with good morals and values, they are definitely frugal on how to raise kids on a tight budget and their children are well mannered and very talented. I would always rather see those kinds of kids being brought up in this world, than to see more kids that are in jail, shooting up schools, bullying other kids and playing stupid games like the knockout game. I would also rather have the world populated with Duggar’s than to see trash like Miley Cyrus and The Kardashians who can only show off their bodies and be whores.

People bash the Duggar’s primarily for how many kids they have and I always ask the same question “Why do you care? They are not on welfare and you’re not paying for them”. Now the bashing is because the LGBT failed to get their show cancelled. Of course they failed! If a group doesn’t like a show, don’t watch it! You don’t intentionally watch something, stalk their pages and then have a petition made so you can have them removed. It’s a battle that was never going to be won. Then I have heard ridiculous things from commenters like “One of their kids has to be gay, you can’t have that many kids and they not turn out gay”. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! People are not born gay regardless of what you think and there have been many people who used to have 12, 15 or more kids and none of them turned out gay. Just because they have 19 kids and just because there are “studies” out there doesn’t mean any of the children will be gay.

Then there’s the comments about how many children their children will have. So what? Again, I would rather there be a whole clan of well mannered, respectful, ambitious kids in the world than the kids that are out there today. The Duggar’s are slowly changing the way the world is right now and if all parents would follow their lead, there wouldn’t be people in prison and kids committing suicide. I mean come on, when I was growing up there was no such thing as kids killing their self and no offense to anyone who’s had a child that did that but, something is wrong here if this is what’s happening to today’s kids.

I’m sure that many of you will have comments for this blog, feel free to leave your comments without insulting me. Insults will be deleted.