
All posts in the Anti-Smokers category

What you’re not being told about cigarettes

Published October 15, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido


I have watched carefully as every few months a new “Truth Commercial” comes out about smoking and cigarettes. I’m amazed at how little information they actually provide. So I’m here to tell you what the anti-smokers won’t.

Fact # 1: You can get cancer (lung and mouth cancer) even if you have never smoked and even if you have never been exposed to smoke.

Fact # 2: If you have a long family history of cancer (regardless of their smoking status), you are predisposed to also getting cancer.

Fact # 3: None of these things are considered when a smoker happens to get cancer. What the truth commercials don’t tell you is that those people were already predisposed to getting cancer or they did many other things which could have developed cancer.

Fact # 4: You will not always get cancer, have premature babies or any of the other “risks” that are associated with smoking. You’re not completely doomed if you do smoke and if you enjoy smoking, you shouldn’t be scared into quitting.