
All posts in the Mopping category

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Published January 28, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


Anyone who’s ever known me will tell you one thing, I’m completely obsessed with having things clean. I want you to first understand one thing, I’m not a germophobe like most people who have OCD or maybe I’m deceiving myself.

There’s a couple of reasons for why I keep my home clean.

#1 – I hate seeing food crumbs on the stove and or splatter on the stove and in the microwave

#2 – I hate seeing a sinkful of dishes, they aren’t going to wash themselves

#3 – I hate for food/grease or any other spilled substance to be on my floors, that’s why I ditched traditional mopping and purchased a steam mop.

#4 – I have lived with a very uncleanly person who now has some kind of nasty skin infection due to, his lack of cleaning.

#5 – I hate lazy people.

I want to present a clean home for both my family that I have created and anyone who comes to my home and specifically for myself. I feel very proud when my home is sparkling. My biggest confession is that I use my steam mop at least 3 times a day in the entire house. That part might actually convince me I may be a germophobe. I also have cats in the home and as you know, their urine can stink and you had better believe their litter boxes are cleaned out daily and cleaned with industrial sanitizer along with, using a trash bag that has Febreeze scent to line the box. My husband on the other hand along with his family are not clean people and are very lazy. I often get the “You’re obsessed with cleaning” and “I didn’t make the mess” and there of course comes the teenage temper tantrum from my husband “You can’t tell me what to do”. That seriously raises my blood pressure. If you live here, you clean here regardless of who makes the mess.

I realize that not everyone is cut out for cleaning but, if I go to your home and you have poop stains on your toilet seat because you’re too lazy to clean it, I can’t respect you. To me, anything like that is just laziness. Yes, I experienced that multiple times with the man I mentioned earlier who has the skin infection. Even with animals in the home, your house can smell clean and fresh without overdoing it with air fresheners and candles. I have found that just my steam mop alone makes everything smell fantastic in the home and I’m not adding any chemicals. I then wipe everything down with industrial sanitizer which has a nice clean scent. It’s not hard to keep people who are in your home from getting sick and on top of that, you have really shiny surfaces and that makes you feel good. When I go on a cleaning kick, I can clean my entire house (which is very large) in 45 minutes. I work very fast but, it will definitely pass the white glove test and I don’t expect that everyone will live that way. We live in our home, it’s not a museum, we do make messes and we clean them up.

I know this article probably doesn’t apply to anyone, I just really wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment and like this blog post.