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Update: My Autistic Toddler

Published June 15, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

So my son who’s 2 1/2 years old now is starting to speak somewhat. He can say Taco, Eat, Juice, Mama, Daddy, Bye Bye, Cat and his name. So, we’re encouraging him to keep saying those words and trying not to add too many new words. He babbles so much that we know he knows what he’s talking about, no one else understands him though most of the time, including us.

He’s still in Early Intervention but, they don’t seem to work with him like I thought they would. They aren’t encouraging him to talk or learn new skills. The woman who comes is mostly silent other than trying to get him to learn sign language. I’m concerned about whether or not this is good for him. I don’t mind if he learns sign language, I’m just not thrilled about the little progress being made by these people. They really seem to slack off and the woman seems to not care about her job anymore.

I’ve decided to join many Autistic mom groups, I’m hoping that through there I can receive better support and understand of my son’s condition. We’re still struggling with his OCD’s. He has a fascination with turning lights on and off a certain number of times, watching the same cartoons over and over, right now he’s in the Thomas The Train phase and Bob Zoom (an obnoxious cartoon filled with Spanish kids songs). My son understands much more Spanish than English and so it’s something we’re working on.

I can see that it’s getting harder and more frustrating to get his attention. He’s your typical 2 year old cute ball of terror and with the lack of language skills and showing little interest in other kids or productive activities, I’m at a loss on what to do. I know and understand that kids like same, same, same every single day but, his need for the same thing constantly isn’t working around what we need to get done. He likes going out for no more than 10 minutes which makes it complicated for me to go to the store, to the post office or any other adult thing that must be done. If anyone here can give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it!