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My JW Mother in Law is at it again!

Published November 15, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

So now as we’re nearing the holiday’s and we’re also moving, I’m getting a lot of harassment from my mother in law who has made it clear that she will not be in my house or help us out any more if we celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas or my son’s birthday in February and it’s really upsetting me. Also, my son really enjoys watching the cartoon “Super Why” and one time there was a Halloween episode and she flipped out and now forces us to change the channel every time Super Why comes on. There was nothing evil about this episode and honestly, she’s taking this too far. This show has been very helpful for my autistic son and he’s learning a lot of words from the show and he’s learning to read and how to inform sentences. I’m tired of her running my life! This is my child and I have to do what I think is best for him!  I’m becoming really annoyed by all of this.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing Jehovah’s Witnesses and I’m trying to be respectful but, I’m losing my patience. I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness and I refuse to live their lifestyle! I do celebrate holiday’s and my son is not missing out because she doesn’t like it! I’m standing my ground and if she wants to leave my life, she’s more than welcome to. I’m sorry but this is my daily rant!