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Outlawed Christian’s.

Published June 21, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I want to talk to everyone concerning Christian’s vs Atheists due to a high amount of harassment and threats towards Christian’s. I think this is important because, I too am a victim of this. 


I’m a Christian and I love God very much but, like many Christians, I’m being harassed and threatened on a daily basis for my beliefs. Let me explain. You see, every time I get on websites such as Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo Answers and so forth, as soon as someone finds out I’m a Christian I always get attacked. There are several statements that are always made by Atheists.

  1. “Screw you and your fake God”

  2. “You’re a faggot believing in that flying man in the sky”

  3. “You’re a dumb b****”

  4. “Your God is sadistic for allowing people to die and kids to go hungry”

  5. “Go f*** yourself and f*** your God”

Now those are just a few of the things I hear often and as you can see, they are very much inappropriate. All of that just for believing in God and I don’t understand it because, in the first place I’m not hurting anyone. My lifestyle doesn’t affect anyone else as I’m not pushing God onto them. I don’t go around quoting scripture or telling people they are going to hell so what’s the big deal?

There’s several reasons these people give for hating Christian’s and so many of them have nothing to do with me. For instance, any story of a “Christian” that has been involved in some sort of scandal including sexual assaults, that’s when the God bashers eyes light up and they go on full attack mode. Then, they often use God as if he’s the reason behind it. You also have people committing illegal acts in the name of God and therefore, God must be the reason behind it. What Atheists fail to understand is that those people have underlying mental issues and just because they hear a voice that says it’s God, doesn’t mean that it is and always isn’t God and therefore, just because someone says something like that for the reason they committed something heinous, doesn’t have anything to do with being a Christian.

The other side of this is people wanting to make arguments for Science, Darwinism and other views pertaining to the world. For instance, Richard Dawkins had one of his many rant events and he looked up and said “God if you’re real, you’re welcome to come down and join us and show yourself” and then everyone burst into laughter. They believe it’s incredibly funny to say ridiculous things. Nevermind that, it’s their problem and not mine. The point is, if you’re going to be an ass, be one in the mirror and not towards innocent people. I can’t prove to you that there’s a God as my experience with God, is greatly different than someone else’s. I have my own personal reasons for it and it has nothing to do with coercion, preachers, church or anyone else.

Regardless of your thoughts on God or the lack thereof, you do not have the right to make someone else’s life miserable. The people out there who are Atheists or claiming to be one are obsessed with seeking out Christian’s and running them into the ground. They laugh, mock, threaten and carry on as if they are some billy badass. You’re not, you’re just an ass. The world is incredibly messed up at this point. We as a society especially the God believers are expected to give up all of our rights. We’ve had our bible classes, bible and any other religious material stripped away from our children in schools and have replaced it with homosexual materials which we are forced to “accept”. Recently, there was a story going around the internet about a school that was reading a story to elementary student’s about Gay Marriage. So, we’re sending our kids to school to learn about gays and “equal rights” and not anything educational. More and more small children are having sex, being taught they are transgender and gay/lesbian/bi. I’m sorry but, no child should be coerced or forced into being an adult in a child’s body. I do not believe that any elementary child should be involved in any adult issues including sex of any kind or learning about sex of any kind that includes heterosexual sex. Children at that age shouldn’t be learning anything that’s not going to benefit them in the future.

I’m not expecting that children be against those who are adults and choose to be homosexual, I’m against children learning about all of the different things that homosexual and heterosexual couples do at a young age. I’m concerned that children are becoming pregnant at even the youngest ages of 11 years old. I’m concerned that Christian children aren’t allowed to quietly read their bible in school or wear a cross necklace because it makes people butthurt who are afraid of their Atheists children becoming Christian. That’s hate too, that’s what people don’t get. When you’re not accepting a child who believes in God and you’re teaching your children to bash those who believe in God, you’re creating bullies. I do not endorse any bullies and that includes children who are forced into a homosexual lifestyle, a Christian lifestyle or an Atheist lifestyle. We need to get ourselves worked out and stop infringing on the rights as children to just be children! If you want to bash me for that, go ahead! It has nothing to do with my believing in God, it’s about being human and being moral in all ways.

Thank you for reading my blog.

The Transgender Conflict

Published February 5, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

Bathroom Warning

Recently, I have been reading a lot of stories about Transgender kids and I know how much this going to hurt some feelings but honestly, I’m appalled by this. Here’s my main reasons for concern.

#1 – I don’t believe that Children should be allowed to make a life changing decisions like gender changing when they cannot smoke, vote, drive, drink, get tattoos/piercings or consent to sex.

#2 – There are a lot of kids especially girls who act like boys and do boy things, that doesn’t mean they should alter their gender. When I was growing up, it was called being a Tomboy.

#3 – A lot of this seems to be influenced by parents who wanted their kid to be a different gender and with the nationwide acceptance that this is a true “disorder”, parents can now get by with it and put off on the child that they wanted to be a girl or a boy.

Things like this were never heard of until the current generation. Now, everyone is so accepting of these life changing decisions. I don’t believe that these people were born this way, if they were, then why is it that they were only born this way in the current generation? Why not the thousands of years that man has walked the earth? As for the parents who are unsatisfied with their child’s gender and are influencing their kids to change who they are, you should have changed positions if you wanted a different gender or went through the process of gender selection. Most of these kids have been influenced from the beginning and it starts when the parents begin dressing them like a different gender and encourage them to play with toys and think like the other gender. All of this about kids wanting what they chose, that’s total bs and everyone knows it. So much of this is a child’s natural desire to want to please their parents, make them happy and whatever they learned they will do.

I’m female but when I was a kid, I did everything that boys did and always wondered what it would be like to be a boy. I can tell you for 100% certainty that if my parents had made the decision to make me a boy, I would have been completely unsatisfied now that I’m mature enough to look back on it. I’m still not a girly girl and I never will be, I still choose not to change gender. Why is it that we as a society are accepting this nonsense? Now people are demanding that transgender kids be allowed to share restrooms. Are you kidding me? I don’t want a boy in the girl’s restroom regardless of whether they have chosen to become a girl or not. I think it can be too easy for people to commit crimes that way. This is why I have a problem with the Transgender community. 

Domestic Violence

Published September 20, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

I want all of you to know that I’m not writing this blog due to the domestic abuse that has occurred within the NFL. Now with that being said, let’s proceed.

Domestic violence can often occur with someone that you trust and often times it’s due to that person’s inability to control their emotions. It can however, be caused by someone who has a mental illness such as Paranoia which can cause the person to believe that their partner is doing things intentionally to make them angry. The other side of it can also be the person’s inability to take personal responsibility for their own actions. Often times the abuser will say “If you hadn’t of said that, this wouldn’t be happening” or whatever the case is.

I want you to know a few things. In the first place, I’m a survivor of domestic violence. I won’t bore you with the details but, I will tell you that the person who abused me did so for as long as he could get away it and first chose isolation to keep me from telling anyone and then proceeded with the endless cycle of breaking my spirit to make me submissive. You see these are all common steps of the abuser and most abusers are afraid for anyone to discover what they are doing.

The most difficult thing for women to do is to leave their abuser. It’s common that people will criticize and say “Why didn’t you leave sooner” well, as I stated before Isolation is the abusers biggest advantage. There are extreme cases where the abuser will literally force you to stay inside the house. The person may block the doors/windows, they may tie you up or even lock you in a closet. There’s no way to escape most of the time unless someone gets worried about you and comes to your rescue.

The biggest thing that you need to know, if you do manage to get away from your abuser know that it will not stop. Almost always, the abuser is determined to have you back under their control and that is when stalking begins. You will often find that person showing up where you happen to be, usually they have either followed you or they have someone giving them information about where you’re going or who you will be with. Always take someone you trust with you every place that you go. I know that this may be annoying or even inconvenient but, it will also likely save your life. If you have no one to go with you, put it off for another time or carry discreet pepper spray or a tazer.

There are various resources that can help you escape from this abusive endless cycle but, what you need to know for sure is that you will require counseling when you leave the abusive relationship and things will never be the same again. That’s bad news you say, yes, the good news is though, you won’t be being beaten every day any more. It’s impossible to say whether or not the person will follow you everywhere you go but what they will do is, they will do everything they can to convince you to either stay or return back with them. They may even say “I went to therapy” or “I’m on medication now”. I do believe that people can change, I don’t however believe that they can change so quickly and by you going back to them, you’re rekindling that excitement they had of controlling and abusing you. It’s never a good idea to return based on what they claim, or even return at all.

Modesty in 2014

Published July 26, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

hates skimpy

We all know that in today’s world Modesty is not a word used to describe women especially celebrities. I, myself have always believed in being modest and no I’m not overweight. The major problem with being modest in today’s world is that men are not interested.

There are many examples of uncovered women out there Celebrities, Models, Billboard ad’s and especially television ad’s. We live in a world of women who flatter men out there everywhere with their bodies and their skimpy clothes. A few of the many examples of this are in the music industry such as Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus and Beyonce. They are also subject to stalkers who are obsessed with them and treat them like sex objects because, that’s the way they present their self.

One of the stronger examples comes from Food and Beer commercials in which you will see many women with skimpy outfits having “food sex” over a hamburger or men getting slutty women in beer commercials. These things are obviously unappealing and unrealistic to those of us who have some class and are turned off by it.

The bigger problem aside from being turned off by it is that, our children are being exposed to these images and are virtually expected to dress, look and act that way in order to “make it” in today’s world which has become a man’s world. For instance, I was in a store last year and I noticed that Miley Cyrus had come out with a clothing line, the bad part, it was for young children and it was super short. For the trashy parents out there who dress their children like sluts, you’re setting your child up for molestation and rape. These items of clothing are very appealing to the pedophiles and also you’re teaching them to dress to please. It’s extremely inappropriate.

I do realize that some women who want to be modest or who are modest, feel pressured by all of the women who have flat stomachs and wear skimpy clothes. Then there’s the fashion industry which is mostly run by men. The men within the industry virtually control what consumers wear by advertising that you’re not good looking unless you wear these items. There’s also a pressure to be thin by using celebrities who have had kids and have “slimmed down” right after birth. Again, this is unrealistic and many of those women have photoshopped pictures, they are genetically disposed to being thin or they have surgery right after birth. However, to certain men who act like pigs, they will often to pressure women into looking like the woman they saw in a magazine or on TV.

The point in all of this is, men do not respect a woman who falls into “slutty” women, they will treat you as if you’re a sex object and nothing more. You will never have the respect you normally would by only being yourself without undressing. Now, this is not to say that you can’t wear that bikini to the beach but, it’s saying to not always be uncovered, flashing your body to every man in the world. In the first place, it’s dangerous as some men can become violent and rape you and secondly, if you’re looking for a permanent relationship or marriage, you likely won’t find your partner who will want you for anything other than sex. As a young person, you may think “That’s ok because I’m hormonal any way” but, as you gain weight later on, that man will say “This is not what I bought” and they will leave you for something thinner.

The bottom line: Respect yourself ladies so you can get respect. Though I could fall into the traps of today’s “fashion”, I refuse. I obtained a great man by just being myself and not showing him what he could have. It’s more important to build a foundation ladies before you start thinking of decorating that house you haven’t built yet. (This is a metaphor of course but, you get the idea).