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Internet Trolling

Published May 18, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


Many times on the internet you’ll find the master troller. This is someone who’s always looking for a good argument and usually they are there to piss you off. You’ll meet a lot of these people on Yahoo Answers and YouTube. You know they are the person who’s always commenting on everyone’s comments and making it seem like you’re the idiot.

I recently met one right here on WordPress. He’s a man who felt I was being ignorant and babbling about the Transgender conflict blog. Imagine that, someone comes onto your blog and calls you ignorant. Well, that’s the world today. My faithful blog readers know that I’m always saying exactly how I feel. There’s nothing wrong with anyone saying how they feel, it’s your thoughts and you’re entitled to them. Sure, you’re always going to strike a chord with someone and everyone won’t be happy with what you write but, nevertheless, you shouldn’t change how you feel to make everyone else happy.

Trolls can come in all forms, they are the one’s who write stupid and outrageous comments just for the heck of it. For instance, on Yahoo Answers I saw a question that said “Is it legal to name your child McNugget?”. It’s trolling post like these that will often spark laughter and entertainment. Then you have trolls that enjoy seeing you live in misery. They will make comments to try and push you into anger. These are the kind of people who have nothing better to do and their life sucks more than anyone else’s in the world.

No matter what kind of trolls you meet, you have to maintain your composure. It’s more difficult if you don’t have your own emotions under control and you may lash out in anger and some people lose their shit so bad they actually start making legit threats towards the troll. These are things that you absolutely can’t do. The person on the other end is never worth it.