
All posts in the Aliens category

Black and White World

Published October 6, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

You know, as I read many comments on social media when something bad happens, I realize that people truly believe we live in a black and white world. Here’s why:

If there’s a shootout between blacks, no one says a word. If there’s a shootout between whites, no one says a word. If the races are mixed, the blacks are out shouting “Black Lives Matter” and trying to reinforce their slavery card. I can’t understand why it works that way or why these people actually believe that they are the only one’s suffering.

What people seem to forget these days is how much the Latino’s and the Native American’s have and are suffering and not due to any violent crimes either. You see, prior to the Mexican-American war, many Mexican’s built and lived in what is now the United States and they owned many of the states. When Columbus came over by mistake, he did not discover America, he discovered the people living on this land which at the time were not white people speaking English.

Everyone is all “Deport the illegals” but they have no idea that these people are not illegals. It’s sad that they worked so hard to build this country and now after being forced into a war torn zone that is now Mexico, everyone wants them out as if they own the place and it’s always white people. White’s genuinely believe that this country belongs to them, that it always has and they have a right to kick people out.  Latino’s have suffered incredibly since the Mexican-American war and continue to suffer at the hands of uneducated white’s. The entire “This is America speak English” thing proves such lack of education due to the fact that America is a continent and English came way after the Mexican’s and the Native American’s were living in the America’s and were then invaded by the true immigrants, white’s. 

To make matters worse, Native American’s have been forced onto reservations and told they will receive no help from anyone including the government. Many of them are solely dependent on whatever animals they can catch, the water flowing through their land and their own people. It’s a shame to see how both the Mexican’s and the Native Americans are being treated in this so called “Land of the free” country. Both races truly are the victims of violence and unfairness. I hope that you will all become educated on these matters and pass it along so we can finally stop all of the ignorant memes, being passed around.