
All posts in the People category

Why do we as a society come out?

Published June 12, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


In this blog I’m going to talk about issues that may be sensitive to some readers but, I think it’s important to discuss things sometimes that are uncomfortable. 

I have watched a lot of documentaries in my time and I’ve seen and heard just about everything so, I shouldn’t be shocked or baffled right? WRONG. Let me start by talking about those who come out. I as a person, have nothing against gay people in general and I tend to stay out of conversations which are heated in LGBT debates. Here’s the thing, I can’t understand why people feel the need to “come out”. Why do they feel the need to tell half the world they are gay? I mean seriously, no one cares. The problem with the world today is that people don’t keep anything private anymore. We always know who’s sleeping with who, who’s gay and who’s not, who’s a racist and who’s not and many other personal matters. You would think that some people would keep things discretionary.

I recently saw a video on YouTube that was a documentary about old people coming out and I’m like really? You’ve had the same lover for 50 years and now you decide, that the world needs to know you have sex with another woman? We don’t care about your sex life! That includes your being homosexual, heterosexual or otherwise and another thing stop calling people “Queers, Fags and Homo’s”. It’s getting really old to hear that everyone is one of those 3 things and most people that are called that are not associated with it. You most often hear that from immature people and teenagers. Everything is “Queer or Gay”. These days you can’t wear glasses or look different in any way without being called a Queer or a Fag. It’s just become obnoxious! 

Another stupid issue we have today is people feeling the need to claim “Black Power” and “White Power” OMG who the hell cares! Seriously, you are what you are and there’s no need to make an announcement about it! I don’t understand this nonsense with people feeling the need to express every single, little, tiny detail of their life and force other people to be exposed to it! Find something to do, something productive LIKE BLOGGING!  All of this madness surrounding whether we as a people should be segregated again or not. YES, yes we should be segregated again and you know why? People can’t damn get along that’s why! We’re in this stage again where people feel the need to call everyone a racist and are determined to show their “Pride” and stroke their ego’s over the color of their skin! If you can’t get off it, yes, we should be segregated because I don’t know about you guys but, I’m sick of hearing all of this oh “They are a racist” and “Don’t use the N word but, we say it every other word” and “White power this and black power that”. Seriously get over yourself! 




The Welfare Stigma

Published June 5, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I believe it’s important to address the stigma of those on Welfare, Food Stamps and any other form of help for needy families. I’ve seen too many discussions, arguments, memes and they were all negative and clearly had the wrong views. Let me set it straight for you. 

Medicaid – The insurance that’s required for those who either don’t have work or can’t afford insurance on their own. It’s critical for families who are struggling because, medicaid provides necessary healthcare of children and adults alike including medications which couldn’t otherwise be afforded. 

Food Stamps – Given to those who are under the poverty line at around 130% below the line. These food stamps are not just given to anyone, they are given to people who not only meet the poverty guideline but, they are also given to people who do work and aren’t making enough money. Everything is included when being eligible for food stamps including the amount of rent and utilities you pay, allowances for phone, child support and many other expenses

Cash Assistance – A set amount of money based on how much you make and some of the expenses you have to pay out but only, rent and utilities. Nothing else is included in that when it comes to your requirements. It’s not a large amount of money like most people think. 

The main reason that we’re talking about this today is because there’s so many people out there who receive a bad stigma for being on welfare of any kind and they are often bashed for it. Not everyone who’s on assistance is on drugs or selling their food stamps. Not everyone who’s on assistance doesn’t pay their taxes or hasn’t ever paid taxes, not everyone can find work even with previous experience or an education. Not much of your tax dollars go to funding these programs, as a matter of fact more of your tax dollars go to funding the military expenses, like creating robots to fight in senseless wars. 

You see, people are quick to say “Why don’t you go get a job and pay taxes like everyone else”. That being said, you’re assuming that they aren’t working now and that they have never paid taxes and you’re also not doing your research on how little of tax dollars actually go to the programs. You automatically assume that you’re supporting someone else’s family who you claim is on drugs, lazy and looking for handouts. Do you realize the number of people who can only find part time work, were let go from their jobs so the jobs could be shipped overseas, went through a horrible divorce and were left with nothing, became disabled and are waiting in the 2-3 year waiting list to receive disability benefits? No, you’re not considering any of those things or you wouldn’t post ignorant comments and memes talking about people you know nothing about! 

So I’ll say this, unless you know the person personally, unless you’re willing to get them a job or give them a job, unless you’re willing to hear them out and hear their I’m sure heartbreaking story, STOP JUDGING THEM! 

foodstamp ignorance


The Tangled Webs We Weave

Published June 5, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

Everyone knows the famous quote “Oh, the tangled webs we weave, when first we learn to deceive” Let me talk a little about open deception. 

I’m a person of open deception and by that i mean that I put on a face when I’m around people. Allow me to explain. You see, I’m a person with many anxieties, fears, sadness and trauma. However, if I showed people that part of me, I would open myself up to discrimination, hate and negative comments. I recently proved this through telling one person about me in depth. That person was supposedly my friend and I’m real careful about how I describe a friend. Basically, I do this thing where when someone is fairly new in my life, I tell them one or two things about myself that are true to see their reaction. I found that this one though disagreed with how I feel, kept coming around anyway.  After only 2 weeks, she used it to her advantage that I was this person underneath and began verbally abusing me, mocking me and so on. Then she texts and calls later on as if nothing is wrong. Now, I didn’t answer the phone or the text however, I think that she’s trying to use me as a vent.

I’m the kind of person who’s done when I say I’m done and by that, there’s no real second chances. I figure in the case I listed above, if she’s that kind of person after only 2 weeks, what kind of nightmare friend would she be for an eternity. That’s the warning signs that help you to get out of something and fast! So now, you can tell sometimes when a person is wearing a mask unless like myself, they put on a really good poker face. After years of dealing with my emotions and masking them from the world, I’ve gotten pretty good at keeping it from people. Is this a good thing? Well, I’ll tell you the good and the bad.

The Good – It keeps people from knowing they can run over you, abuse you or telling you BS stories that never actually happened to them, in order to make you feel better.

The Bad – If something were to happen to you, say you collapsed or you died, it would leave the people around you completely confused about what happened to you. It makes you feel worse about yourself when you finally escape that social situation.

It doesn’t sound like much of a difference, either way there’s a negative to it and there’s not much you can do about that. Sure, you could tell everyone anything you want about yourself that’s true and end up taking the risks of them either leaving your life or making your business known to the whole world and both are very likely to happen. I believe that a part of being selectively deceptive by omitting information can be both valuable to you and also devastating at the same time. Here’s a prime example:

Say someone commits a crime and the Police interview the suspects mom and she has no clue about his thoughts or feelings prior to this crime, she’s very likely to say “My child wouldn’t do that, they weren’t that kind of person” and other people who do know what that person is about, shakes their head in disbelief. This is an example of a way that it can be detrimental to someone else and to yourself. In the first place, you didn’t think enough of it to go and get help before you did something horrible and you have your family and or friends puzzled as to what’s really going on.

Then you have on the other hand your thoughts, feelings and emotions. You worry that if you tell anyone how you feel, they are going to break out in negativity, make drama out of it or insist you’re crazy and need to get help. You know that you’re not crazy, you know you don’t need more drama and therefore, you’re going to make decisions about what to do. Some people commit suicide, they don’t want to live with the fact that everyone now knows their business. Some people check their self into a mental institution because, they have been convinced they are crazy. Some people start drinking, taking drugs or involving themselves in other risky behaviors, others go looking for love in the wrong places. There are so many different people in this world and you cannot assume that someone hasn’t been through anything or they aren’t struggling just because they have on a mask. If you’re not willing to deal with their issues or be a good support system for them, try to stay out of it. Don’t make a big scene to other people or social media.

I hope you have enjoyed my blog!


Defending Ones self Makes You A Bully?

Published May 31, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


I find it to be very obnoxious where we live in a society that doesn’t truly allow a Freedom of Speech without a person being labeled as mentally ill, ignorant, racist or bullying. It seems that people are more sensitive in this generation than ever before. You virtually can’t say anything without being attacked for it and then people wonder why you’re so defensive and have all of these walls going up. It’s true that other people can sometimes bring out something from deep within you that you never knew you had. That’s exactly what I’m going to discuss in this blog. 

To all of my fellow bloggers, you understand and know the passion of being able to write all of your thoughts out and hope that at least one person will be inspired by them. Your words are incredibly powerful and they express what we could only hope to say from our mouths rather than our keyboard. Sometimes you can be greatly criticized for your words and people will be quick to label you and then before you know it, suddenly you have become a bully. I find this to be incredibly unjust.

When it comes to Freedom of Speech for many American’s, how much of that do you really have? Sure it’s in the constitution and many people believe in it but, what happens when the people who are looking for a fight could give a damn less about the constitution?  You see there are some people who are so sensitive and cannot handle anything. Those people virtually live in a bubble and stand on eggshells. You know the one’s! They are those who have a miserable existence or were overly spoiled as kids and are now facing a harsh world.

I would describe such people in the same way I would “Addiction”. The people are incredibly “Addicted” to maintaining a false sense of importance and struggling to make their name known. Any attention is better than none and they will fight to the death to feel important and to have support from another person just like them. So here’s what ends up happening, they type in keywords into Google or some other search engine looking for some debate they believe they know everything about. You’ll often find these people on sites like these, Facebook and YouTube. For instance: Someone who’s feeling like they have never had a fair shake at life due to color will type in the word “Racism” looking for something, anything to vent their frustrations on. It’s easy to find hundreds of blogs and video’s about so called Racism.

I have met several people on YouTube who are looking to call you a Racist or Ignorant. They have this grudge against the world, a world they believe to be full of people who are out to get them and suddenly, you’re the target. So now what? Well, you could defend yourself and then once again become labeled by being called “Stupid, Mentally Ill or a Bully”. Yep, there’s that sense of importance, that sense of proving their point. Here’s the problem, you can’t be responsible for someone else’s issues and though they automatically make you the target, you have to know when to keep fighting that battle. Here you have some faceless, nameless person who’s on a frenzy and you have to decide whether you’ll engage them or not and if so, will you say things you never imagined you would to them out of anger?

Now, many people do let their emotions get the best of them and when targeted directly, many people will say as many harsh things back as possible and then you have opened that big, flashing, neon sign that says “Thanks for proving me right”. The people who are targeting you and anyone else they can find, love that noticeable flashing sign. It’s their way of seeing the world to be a dark and negative place and suddenly, you’re the blame and reason for why people like them can’t cope. Before you know it, your entire day has been ruined by some person online, who’s gotten the best of you. Then you carry that stress throughout your day and impacting every person you encounter in that day’s time whether it’s at work or at home. Now, you’ve spread this incredible ridiculousness to other people who you’ve just stressed out and they are spreading it too now and suddenly, you’ve got this plague going around.

In the end remember this, people are going to be who they are but, you can change how you handle the situation so that you don’t become the one inflicting these negative emotions onto other people and though you can’t save everyone from the stress, if you save just one person from it by not inflicting it on them, that’s one person who may just go on to have a good day. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Restaurant Review #2 – In-N-Out Burger

Published February 9, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


If you’ve never been on the west coast, you won’t know what this is. It’s a very popular, cheap burger place that’s all over California.

The first time I tried In-N-Out, I got a Cheeseburger and Animal Style Fries (it has bacon bits, cheese and thousand island sauce). They also make a regular burger which you can stack all the way to a 5X5, they have an Animal Style burger and a protein burger (no bun, lettuce is the wrapping).

I’m honestly not sure what the craze is about this place. I have been several different times all over Southern California and I can tell you one thing, it’s getting worse as time goes along. The burgers are extremely dry, even with condiments and they are either under cooked (pink in the middle) or overcooked.The fries by their self are absolutely horrible! I can’t even imagine they are made with real potatoes, they honestly taste like imitation fries. You can seriously buy frozen fries in the grocery store that taste better than their fries.

Animal style fries on their own: Horrible! The cheese that’s on them is nuked government sliced cheese. The bacon bits are cheapy, soft imitation bacon bits. Sound appealing yet? The fries also come with grilled onions, if you like slimy, these are for you.

The milkshakes: I hope you’re not lactose intolerant, they use the strongest whole milk they can find, the ice-cream in the shakes have zero sugar. It’s basically like drinking curdled milk.

So, as you can see this place gets a 0/10 stars from me. I would never, ever consider eating there again even if they paid me to do so. The picture will fool you, there’s nothing tasty about their food and that is not a representation of what you actually get.

The Struggle of Leaving Home

Published February 9, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


I wanted to write about people who leave home, whether you’re 35 or 16, there is a struggle about leaving home. The difference between a 16 year old leaving home and a 35 year old leaving home is that you feel differently.

There’s a real struggle concerning leaving home because, you wonder whether or not you’re making the right decision and how hard things will be when you do leave home. I know that for most people, they are excited when they’re at a point where they can move out and are looking forward to making their own decisions but, that will change as time goes along and you’ll begin to look back starting from childhood into adulthood wondering how it went so fast. As you start having kids of your own, you’ll almost wish that you could do those things again like going to the fair and getting on the kiddy rides or going on vacations with your parents. Yes, you can do those things with your own kids but, it’s different.

I believe that when you’re really young, you’re so focused on getting out and living by your own decisions and rules, that you don’t think about how it will change your life. If you have lived with your parents much longer than most, you tend to have trouble leaving home because, all of that rush to get out has passed and you’re much more mature. A lot of people have an attachment to their parents regardless of age. However, there are those who had horrible childhoods and never want to see their parents again.

Ok, so you’re out on your own, along with your following your own rules, the bills start coming in. For those who are married or in a relationship where the person lives with you, you’re now stuck trying to figure out not only how to run a household but, you have to also pay bills that will not stop coming in and then when you add children into the mix, it gets even more complicated and before you know it, home isn’t looking so bad. I personally don’t miss home but, I do miss being a kid in one way and in another way, I feel good that I can pay my own bills and I don’t have someone controlling everything I do nor do I have someone holding over my head that they pay the bills.

As our parents age, we begin to worry about them and how to best care for them. That’s when things get really complicated and on top of your already stressful life, you know are in the circle of life and having to take care of your parents when they can no longer do so. It’s a never ending cycle but one thing is for sure, we’ll always miss home in one way or another.

Nigerian Scams

Published February 6, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido


I decided to write about this because there are obviously some people who are still falling for these email scams. There’s a couple of things that people need to know about the scams from Nigeria and cat-fishers in general.

  1. Emails claiming to be from someone in need of help, lottery winnings or receiving inheritances are ALWAYS scams

  2. These scams almost always generate from Nigeria

  3. If you don’t accept the scam they send you by email, you’ll find them trying to pretend to be someone who wants to be in a relationship with you.

  4. No matter what the story, you’ll never receive any money from the scammers.

Scams like these have been going on for many years. I can remember seeing the 1st email back in 2001. Even then, I always deleted it or put it in the spam folder as most people would because, some of us are just smart enough to know that emails like that can’t be true. There are other types of scams where you might meet someone on a dating website, who happens to be from Nigeria but steals pictures from an American girl’s website and uses fake information. They will then have you sending money via Western Union and will give you a phone number to call them on, but they are likely never home. Here’s some questions you may want to ask yourself before sending money.

  1. Why would I be getting an inheritance from someone in Nigeria when, I don’t know anyone who’s ever lived there?

  2. How would someone like this get my email address?

  3. Why would I need to send them money in order to receive a large sum of money?

  4. Why would I help someone who’s in a sticky situation that I don’t know?

  5. Why would I send a woman money who will only talk to me on the internet?

  6. Shouldn’t I research the names they are giving me before sending money?

Those are all very important and especially researching names that they give you or pictures that they show you of their self. Seriously, you can find everything you need on Google. You don’t need to research the inheritance part because you already know it’s a scam, it’s always a scam and you won’t be an exception. The story about “I’m stuck in Nigeria and I need help”, that’s a scam! I hope this helps so many people because you need to know before, sending your hard earned money to scumbags.

My Annoyances

Published February 2, 2015 by Amplio Recorrido

I decided to write a list of things that annoy me. These are my own individual annoyances and not everyone will agree with them so here we go.

#1 – People who pretend to be someone they are clearly not. Example: I absolutely cannot stand people who pretend to be a different race, smarter than they really are, richer than they really are or part of a group just to fit in.

#2 – People who use their advantages to snob others. Example: Someone who is much better off than someone else putting on a smile but you know it’s fake. You know that inside they believe they are better because, they have more.

#3 – People who are loud in public. Example: Every single time I go to a store like Walmart for instance, there’s always someone in the store or in the parking lot who is yelling and making all kinds of noise. Seriously? I’m not talking about kids, we’ll get to that later but I am talking about, adults who cannot seem to control their self in public.

#4 – Random strangers who try to parent your kids. Example: I was in the grocery store a few months ago and I have a toddler who has Autism. I know and everyone who knows him knows, he cannot control himself or his emotions and it has nothing to do with my parenting or lack of. My son is making all kinds of noise and he’s being loud about it. He has two things working against him, he’s a toddler and he’s autistic. So anyway, this woman turns around at me and she says “If you cannot control your kid, perhaps you should consider giving him up for adoption instead of disturbing the rest of us”. I became quite angry and I said “Lady, you should probably mind your own business before I end up in handcuffs and you end up in the morgue. My son has Autism and he cannot control his behavior and neither can I”. She became quite angry but, walked away and said nothing else.

#5 – People who judge my husband simply because he’s Hispanic. Example: I have had multiple people say that he needs to go back to Mexico and he needs to stop depleting the system and he needs to take himself and all of his Mexican friends back with him. That sets me off really fast because for one thing, My husband has never lived in Mexico, he’s not from Mexico, he doesn’t speak with a Spanish accent and he’s the most American Mexican you could ever meet. I absolutely cannot stand when Gringo’s (white people) who have a racist attitude towards Mexican’s open their mouth because it’s nothing but ignorance coming out.

#6 – Speaking of Mexican’s, I hate it when people assume that Mexican’s are here illegally and don’t deserve to be in this country and that they should all speak English claiming it’s the “Official Language of the United States”. First of all, Many of the states now known as the United States were owned, created and taken care of by Mexican’s long before people from England who brought English with them came to the United States. There’s a little thing called the Mexican American war in which many Mexican’s lost their land and were bordered off into the remainder of Mexico. Despite what history books say, Christopher Columbus was not the 1st to discover the United States. The Native American’s who spoke many different dialects of their languages primarily Navajo and Kituwah, did not know any English as people from England had not arrived yet. Mexican’s spoke their native language Spanish long before English came along. There’s too much ignorance going on to even comprehend. So many people are hyped up claiming it’s “Their country” and “English is the only language”. That’s absolutely insane. The people “immigrants” from England who finally came over much later and brought English with them did not bother to learn Spanish, Navajo or any other language that was being spoken. They came in, took over and claimed the land for their self. Is that fair?

#7 – Assuming that all people who are on Food Stamps or Welfare are lazy, low life, drug users. Wrong. That’s another of the biggest form of ignorance there could be. First off, close to 75% of people on any of the government programs including Food Stamps have worked many hours in their lifetime and have paid their taxes which go to these programs. The majority remainder of those folks are people who are disabled or retired. A tiny percentage of those people are depleting the system and are lazy, low life drug users. Grouping that small percentage as being a whole group is just plain ignorant.

#8 – People who drive up against the center divider line on the road. In the first place, it’s dangerous because your side view mirror could easily graze their side view mirror and you end up side swiping that person particularly if, two people are driving up against the center dividing line, one in each lane.

#9 – People who write vague Facebook statuses. Example: I can’t believe this happened to me. Then of course you have the “Friends” who say things like “Is everything okay?”, “PM Me”. That’s incredibly annoying and shows that they only want attention.

#10 – People who throw everything they have ever done for you in your face. Most people know someone like this. Usually, you have someone who say you borrow $20 from and regardless of whether you pay them back or not, you will never hear the end of all of the things they have done for you. Sometimes, people can remember the entire time that they have known you and likely have a large notebook filled with dates, times and what they did for you. There’s no purpose in this, people like that are simply arrogant assholes who choose to be in control at all times. Those are the people that you would rather chew your arm off than to ask for help from.

The Transitioning Cat

Published December 17, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido


Recently, I got a cat that’s an adult from a married couple who could no longer keep him. We had to drive quite a ways to pick him up and he had never been in a car before. We realized trying to bring him home that it was going to be a tough ride because he was not at all happy about being in a car. Finally about 30 minutes into the ride he started settling down. He lived in a very small apartment and was allowed to be outside roaming the parking lot any time he wanted to. He had never had any immunizations, seen a vet or been neutered. We brought him home to a house nearly 5 times bigger than the apartment he lived in and the first thing he did was run and hide behind the couch. I had known that he probably would do that because I have had cats before. We finally managed to get him out from behind the couch, I put a soft fleece blanket over an extra pillow that we have and laid it on the floor. He wanted nothing to do with the pillow and decided to sleep on our bed the entire night. The next day he laid around the entire day and decided to lay in a torn up trash bag in our closet with only his head sticking out. We left him alone assuming that he would come out eventually. Later that night he began meowing at the door and scratching at the door. He wanted to go outside just like he was used to doing and of course we couldn’t just let him out because he doesn’t know how to find his way home and we don’t have any tags for him yet or even a collar.

So the next day, we took him outside in our backyard which has a large wooden fence all the way around and we watched him carefully. At one point he ran under my legs and jumped all the way on top of the fence and was getting ready to jump over it when I grabbed him. We knew that we couldn’t just let him outside. Most of the time he just lays around or stares out the window but, sometimes he comes around being all annoying and wanting constant attention which I can’t give him constant attention because I have a toddler in the house who has autism and he needs much more attention. I would imagine that some of you will judge me and say that I shouldn’t have gotten a cat to begin with but, I really wanted my son to have a small animal that he could grow up with and maybe even help some of his autism characteristics and I have heard that cats can be very loving and gentle with kids and people who are sad.

Tonight has been the most unusual night of them all. He got up on our bed and squatted over my husbands blanket, was trembling very badly and jumped off the bed and he left behind a small wet spot that didn’t seem like urine. So now I find out that he’s “in heat” and I know male cats don’t go in heat but you know what I’m saying. So now we need to take him and get his shots and get him neutered. He’s also been jumping up on the toilet in our bathroom and jumping up on the tiny windowsill in our bathroom and falling to the floor. I’m not sure if he actually knows there’s a female cat outside or if he’s just hoping there is. Either way, I probably should have looked for a cat that’s already been neutered rather than just asking for any cat.

If you have cats, especially rescued cats you will probably understand all of these frustrations that we’re having right now adjusting to life with a new cat. If you don’t have cats but you’re considering getting one, get one that’s neutered or spayed already.

The Odd Things About People

Published November 11, 2014 by Amplio Recorrido

Have you ever noticed that many humans are the same? How about that many humans do the same things as other humans? Here’s a list of things humans do

Many people ask questions and answer their own questions. Have you ever noticed this? For example: “Do I think this will happen?” “Yes of course”. “Do I think that this will be the end?” “Yes, I do”. Now I have always thought this was odd because, why would anyone ask a question just to answer it? Why not just say “I believe this will happen or I believe this will be the end”.

Many people use their hands to attempt to make signals to tell you what they’re saying. Have you noticed that? Some people have a lot of trouble talking without using their hands and it’s odd because the language being spoken is completely understood particularly, if 2 people who speak the same language are in conversation and therefore hand signals are completely unnecessary. (I’m not referring to people who use sign language in attempt to have a conversation with the hard of hearing)

Many people tell nearly every single thought on Facebook or other social media. Have you noticed that people cannot even take a shower without posting it on Facebook? It’s also now become widespread to post personal photo’s on Facebook such as breastfeeding, in heated sexual poses or even naked/half naked pictures.

Almost everyone automatically “lines up” in a grocery store. Now you might say, yeah but you’re required to stand behind another person in line. Actually, you’re not really required but, people do it automatically after going through 12 years of schooling where everyone was forced to “line up”.

Many people who are in a waiting room of any kind pull out their cell phones within 5 minutes of sitting down. Have you ever noticed this? If not pay attention to it next time. We are a generation of “looking down”.

People will automatically start scratching if they see someone else doing so or if they see any type of bug near them or on them and that stays with the person long after the “threat” is gone. Also, mention to anyone that you’re itching and they will start itching within a few minutes.

If you know of anything else that people do that seems to be a copy of others, please leave it in the comments! Thanks!